Wednesday, October 19, 2011

24 days... Hardworking Fiance

Every day I ask the Lord how I was blessed with such a wonderful fiance. This man i'm so fortunate to marry has taken on so much to make me happy. He took care of my dog who needed medical treatment (after she'd bit him twice - no worries! She adores him now) without any questions. He's spent the holidays traveling from house to house (because I come from a 3rd generation of divorce parents). He's been working like crazy for his father's business to be ready to move into our new life together and studying his butt off in fire school to live a flexible career.

For the last year, Dustin has taken it upon himself to provide a new and suitable home for my horse Danny. His project has taken him longer than anticipated but it wasn't until recent that it became of the utmost importance to move him. Dustin has transformed 2 1/2 acres of wilderness into a nice pasture for Danny.

The shelter is still a work in progress, but so long as the vet gives Danny an OKAY! to move (and possibly a sedative), he'll be closer to me, my fiance, and my new family :)

1 comment:

  1. I think you and Dustin's love and commitment to each other, is a testimony to people our age, in the fact that young adults under the age of 25 can find and foster a true connection and a prosperous marriage! I love you both.
